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I Hate Top 10 Lists, so I Wrote One I Liked…

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“x10 Things to Know about Health and Fitness Right Now.” Health and Fitness can be made into Simple Choices, but it’s not a Simple Discussion. What are Your Goals? What is Your Family History? What is Current Status: with Health, Habits, Life? Who do you Listen to? What are Your Resources? How much Time You […]

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x5 Adjustments You Can make Right Now!

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Let’s Assume, before we start, that we are all currently “Healthy Enough” and have the ability to make some slight alterations to your current System. You aren’t sick, recovering or in a period of time where your Work, Relationship, Parenting, etc., dominate >90% of your Life… With that Disclaimer out of the way, lets hammer […]

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Your Favorite Song

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Everyone has a Favorite Song, one that they “Get” and moves them in some way. Its Unique to the Individual, and may be associated with a Memory, Event or Place in Time. Its 100% their own, and they are truly comfortable when that song plays… What’s the Problem with Your Favorite Song? The same Problem […]

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Why Summer 2022 was Our Best Training Summer Ever!

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We get excited for every Summer Session at IPF because we ask the Athletes to Commit to a Process, Develop New Habits (and Lose a few Old Ones) and Do the Work Necessary to Improve… We have had Tremendous Success however you Quantify the Data: Our Athletes tell us the “Feel Better” than ever before… […]

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What’s New at IPF

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Here is what is Going Down at the Institute: Training > We are Getting Better! We have more people than ever Losing Weight (a Big Emphasis Post-Pandemic), Improving their Fitness, Adding Muscle and Moving Better + More Often. The Best Part? It’s happening 1-on-1, in Semi-Private, and Group Environments, which tells us that the Training […]

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Statistics, Information and the General Feeling of “More” (the Voice)…

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In February of 2022, there isn’t a shortage of metrics that tell us who is Healthy and who is not. I would make a strong case that before the Pandemic that this was true, but its clear today, via every media outlet, that “Health’ is foremost on peoples’ radar. Let’s leave the debate to the […]

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