The Pulse

Social Media: Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t…

Look us up on Social Media. @ipfnews or @walternortonjr on Instagram and similarly on Facebook.

We look Amazing.

Our Gym is Big, Clean and has Great Energy.

The People are Hard-Working, Focused, and some are even Famous (some not). Everything you see is “Good”, down to the Smiles, music and Hashtags…

And that is How we Want It. We don’t show the Missed Reps, or the Emotional Outbursts that come with Fear, Frustration or Failure.

We don’t show the Painstaking Details of Consistency, of Learning New Skills, or Addressing why Behavior hasn’t changed…

We See and Experience it every day, just not on Social Media.

We just show the Highlights, but that’s not really what you are Buying, and Buying into with a Gym…


I am using our Gym as the example, but the Internet isn’t always a complicated place when you are “Selling”.

Make your Product (You, “Health”, Location, “Fit”, Equipment, etc) look as Desirable as Possible…

Package it so that it looks Fantastic and Easy to Obtain (“You Can Get There with Me/Us/This”)…

Offer it in a Way that People Want it Right Now (Special, Sale, Motivation, Save Your Life, Accountability, etc) …


To do any of this, we all show the “Good Stuff”.

And it works.

But what you are Paying for, Working for, and even Asking for, is the “Bad Stuff”.

Here is what needs to be done: It will be Harder than what you have done before and up to now…

Here is How we are going to do it: You will Need to be More Focused than You have been before…

Why did You Make that Choice: We need to do Things Differently than we have done before…


All of this is messy. Ever built a House? Or Re-Built one? It looks awful before it looks great. We, People, are the same way.

The extra Peanut-Butter before I go to Bed-a Choice, and not shown on Instagram.

The wasting of 2hrs+ watching Netflix instead of Sleeping, a lack of Focus, and I didn’t SnapChat it to my friends.

Procrastinated and didn’t stay on Schedule to get to the Gym, poor Organization, and I didn’t post it on Facebook.


How I look when I have been eating well, you will see that all over Social Media.

How Efficient I am when I am Well-Rested and Organized, you can see that in my Confidence, and Read it on my “Words of Wisdom” Post and Hashtags.

Oh, you will know when I get to the Gym, because I will “Check-In” or just show you my New Outfit, Body or Both…


My point is, Don’t Believe Everything you See, because you actually haven’t Seen Everything…

The Gym, Training, and Your Health is a Process-Based Method of Improvement that will Evolve as You Do…

Very Rarely do you watch the Systematic Development of Anything in Life:

You Plant a Seed and Notice the Flower.

You Follow Sports and Watch the Highlights.

You See the “Before” and Love the “After”.

You Start to Train Smart, Eat Well, and Sleep Better, but only Celebrate the Further you are from the Beginning, not every step of the Way…

Social Media is right there with you Baby.

The Journey is only Celebrated when it looks Great.

The Tears, the Disappointment, the Ups and Downs are spoken of after we have reached Goals, not during the Quest…


We are as Guilty as anyone, because we have many “Highs” to Celebrate.

We Post them for Your Enjoyment and Our Benefit.

We want you to Walk-In, Call-In or Buy-In.

But you aren’t Buying what you See, you are Investing into Everything that leads to those Moments. Less Flashy, Less Photogenic, but 5x more Valuable.

You are Buying into you…