March 27, 2018
You Can’t or You Won’t?
Ask yourself this Question when it comes to C.I.A. (Change, Improvement, Achievement): “You Can’t or You Won’t?”
We see this Dilemma every day, and for many, they just don’t understand the Question.
C.I.A. (our version) has some similarities to the Agency that shares the same acronym: it operates with different Rules, it is Misunderstood, and is absolutely Essential to Protecting what is Important to Us (To Be the Best Version of Ourselves).
C.I.A. is difficult for many People, regardless of Age, Ability, Gender, etc. It is truly hard to Learn New “Patterns”: whether it be Skipping, to Dance, a different Language, to Cook with Unique Ingredients or Foods, to Read Music, to Workout with New Guidelines, etc. (“New” is endless with a vivid imagination.)
What is even more demanding, however, is “Re-Learning” an Improper Pattern, one that has no current Benefit, that cannot be Performed with Success and that actually inhibits future Learning.
Attempting to Transition to a Better Method (Learn/Change) is when most People find their Darkest Moments. Frustration, Anger, Fear, Isolation and then the Surrender of Hope.(Weight Loss, Breaking Chemical Dependency, Moving on from Relationships, Studying for Benchmark Exams, etc)
This may sound strong, but Change itself typically requires a substantial emotional demand. Change is often dictated by a specific Emotional Response to a Situation that stimulates incredible Sadness (Right Now) or emotes an incredible potential of Happiness (Future).
The “Right Now” quotient of Change is formidable: it can stem from Health, you “Feel” awful, the Mirror “Triggers” you, the Dr. “Informed” you, a Death “Struck” you, etc. All Powerful, Humbling, and Valid Emotional Responses to Strong Stimulus around you. These Experiences can be Crippling, and also Inspiring.
The “Future” aspect of Change, is equally burdensome: What you “Can/Could Be” is as Intimidating as it is Impressive. All of the above scenarios still apply, as does the Power of Hope.
There are numerable references to the “Journey” available, and one has resonated with you. You have Decided to Act, Move, Do and Go. You are so enamored with the Future “You”, that you will do anything to get to “Them”. The Vision of what “You Will Be” is both Arousing and Distressing together.
Finding the “Why” for What Must Be Done, the Right “Why” that strikes a chord with You, can take time…And it Should: If it doesn’t come from You, it doesn’t work.
An Over-Bearing Parent, a Vocal Coach, Caring Friends, you name it, when it comes from “Them”, it rarely happens. Without Question, all “Concerned” Parties can Help, and should be utilized in the best possible manner. Support, especially when Paired with Purpose, can sustain with great Energy.
When it Comes from “You”, with the strong Personal Emotion(s) that made you envision Different/New/Better, you have the Opportunity to Succeed.
If that doesn’t sound like enough, what more do we get?
Opportunities are what we Live For, and attempt to Create Daily.
How many do we Need? No idea.
How often does it Work? It Varies.
Why should I try, again and again? Because we Evolve. We Try, We Fail, We Learn and Adjust, and We Try Again.
What was the last thing you Valued that didn’t come with Work?
What was the last Success you had that didn’t bring more Work?
What is the most Powerful thing you have ever Done? Did it come without Fear? Without Great Effort? Without Sacrifice, some doubt or even some Suffering?
Why Do I Ask? Why the lengthy Pre-Amble to a simple question?
“You Can’t or You Won’t”?
Simple answer, it is almost always because “You Won’t”.
And that answer is always wrong if you want to Be the Best Version of Yourself…
“You Can’t” can be True in many ways, and typically is invoked with Financial, Care (for yourself, Your Family, or a Loved One), or Time Concerns.
Life Happens, and may put You In “I Can’t” Mode for a Period of Time.
That is probably not you however. Most of Us Live In “I Won’t” Mode.
I Won’t Take a Step.
I Won’t Make a Plan.
I Won’t “Feel” Differently.
I Won’t Get Uncomfortable.
I Won’t “Work”….
“You Can’t or You Won’t?”
Now that you are better prepared for the Question, What is Your Answer?
How Do We Make this your Reality….
I Will Take a Step.
I Will Make a Plan.
I Will “Feel” Differently.
I Will Get Uncomfortable.
I Will “Work”….
Change Your Mind-Set, Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life…