April 19, 2022
Why the Struggle?
I recently did a 1MinMojo regarding Three Things that will Always Upset Me…and I’m still Upset 48hrs later, but not because of a specific Action or Behavior, but rather because of why We Won’t Change…
Before we go further, I’ll allow you to go the “Grumpy Old Man” Route if it makes you feel better and allows this message to go down smoother.
In fact, you can completely disregard this Directive and my Ranting. If you don’t have the ability to Change Whatsoever, this Opportunity isn’t for You (or many others either).
I recorded a Video for our 1MinMojo and soon discovered that the Audio was of Poor Quality.
I had committed Energy to the Idea, refined the Concept, and set aside Time for the Action.
I had no opportunity to remake the Video until Hours later, and it threw my Plan + Schedule Off Track…
No Big Deal.
20+ Years ago, I would be angry.
10 Years ago, I would have complained about the “Re-do”.
Now, I simply move forward and go again.
What spurred my Evolution?
Failure, Observation, and some Mentorship.
Failure helped the most, because I wanted to Succeed bad enough that I would Try or Do anything. That meant Diving Into as many New “Things”—Opportunities, Methods, Plans, Challenges, and Strategies—as possible. Too many, actually. But I didn’t realize that until I was more Observant…
Observation was very helpful in narrowing “Who I Stole from and Who I Avoided”.
I got Better at Watching Good People Do Great Things, whether they were Athletes, Businesspeople, Parents, Randoms, or Superstars.
I also got Better at seeing through the BS and recognized when someone was Doing Things that led them down the Wrong Path.
I worked in Gyms, Bars, Schools, Firms, and Films, and “Bad” was easy to See…
Role Models exist on Both Ends of the Spectrum, and Observation Gave Me the Perspective to Learn from each Extreme…
Recognizing the Successful End of the Scale helped me Find Mentorship…
Mentorship, Learning from the Right People, those Best Suited to Teach and Correct Me, is how I narrowed my scope even more.
Those People, a small Group of ~10 Achievers, who were Generous with their Time, Knowledge, and Honesty, and helped me Build Structure, Process, and Purpose into My Life…
As someone who Was, and Remains, Passionate, Driven, and Focused, I still had plenty of “Holes” in my Ability to Improve.
My Mentors pointed out the outcomes of My Choices, Offered New Methods to Acquire Information, and Told Me when I was Being an Idiot. That last one helped a bunch.
Having Friends, Family, Mentors, or Anyone in Your Life that will be Honest with You, regardless of the Situation, is as Rare + Valuable as a Diamond Ring…
Scratch that, having Honest People is much more Valuable, because that Ring can’t help you Improve, and it certainly doesn’t give you a “Different Look” at a Situation, Event, or Opinion that you see a certain way…
A Word of Caution, However, is that although having Direct + Candid People in your Life is an Absolute Necessity, it’s your job to Receive it With Appreciation, not Anger…
*Spoiler Alert, most cannot, and the Anger inhibits repeated Honesty*.
If you seek out and embrace Criticism, Constructive or Otherwise, You Will Always Be Improving because You will always Hear + See “Another Side”…
Why the History about such a simple thing, a Video that was unusable?
Because there are a dozen “Little Things” each day, as part of our Lives, that we can Roll With or get Rolled By.
In my, ahem, Youth, I got Rolled By, because they Stole My Focus, My Energy, and My Time.
They don’t stand a chance.
My FET (Focus-Energy-Time) is Valuable.
Like Priceless.
It’s the Key to Everything I Do, Want, and Believe I Can Achieve…
I’m not Giving it to Anything that doesn’t Bring Me What I Need in Return.
Think about Your FET, What You Give It To, and What Steals it From You…
You will soon, if you haven’t already, recognize that it is the Source of All You Do, and How You Live…
Let Go of what Doesn’t Matter.
It can be Refreshing to simply acknowledge that You are In Charge, and Your FET is Yours to Do with What You Wish…
It may not make Life any simpler, but it makes Your Choices All Your Own!
Let’s Get Better!