The Pulse

Summer 2018- Thank You!

August 15, 2018


This Summer was different. We have been Training Athletes at IPF for a decade and this Summer, Different.

We had more “New” Kids than ever before.

We had more “Good” Kids than ever before.

We had “Tighter” Groups than ever before…

And that last one may be the difference. It was the summer of “Groups”.

Each one had their own Identity, their own Energy, their own Success.

Last Summer we had Matt Damon and the Women’s Olympic Hockey Team.

This Summer we had Groups that we looked forward to because of how unique they were…

Our College Group was a Team in every sense of the word. They Cared about each other, communicated with each other, and Pushed each other…


The 6:30am Group Learned How to Work this Summer. They grew into Athletes, and they grew into the Expectations that we had for them…


The 7:30am Group was the Group we grew to Love. They Showed-up, Worked and Talked us into believing they were Committed and also Fun. They were right. Some of our favorite Personalities were in this Group, and it was wonderful to see Kids transform into Better Kids…


The 8:30am Group was tight. They Rooted for each other, they Competed with each other, and Grew-Up a Bit with each other. This Group has some future Athletes in it, and some very good Kids…


The 9:30am had a little bit of everything: Young Kids, Older Kids, Quiet Kids, Kids who couldn’t wait to say Hi, etc. This Group was Fun every day. Our Staff was Energized when this Group was ready to start each day: you didn’t know if someone was going to set a Record in the Gym, or Get Dizzy from a crazy Breakfast! Every Day was a new Adventure J


The 4:00pm Group had it Rough! They had to arrive in the Heat of the Afternoon, to a Quiet Gym, and turn it up 4 notches… And they always did!

With a huge Range of Ages and Abilities, this Group was incredibly supportive of each other. There were many days we left the Gym thinking that the 4:00pm Group truly cared about one another…


The Volleyball Group (in their 4th year with us) didn’t disappoint. Every Day was a new Experience, as many of these Athletes were New to Training! Their Education, on a Daily basis, about Nutrition, Consistency, Improvement, the Gym Dogs, etc, was huge for their Growth. This Group brought the Gym to Life at the End of each Long Day! When people talk about Training as a “Team”, AHS Volleyball grew because they Enjoyed the Grind Together!!!