The Pulse

Lag Time

Lag Time

“The period of time between two closely related events, phenomena, etc., as between stimulus and response or between cause and effect:”


Everyone understands that there will be a Period of Time between the “Start” of something and the “Effect” of that something when we begin anything.

Start College, and you may Graduate with a Degree in ~4 years…

Take an Aspirin, you feel better in about an hour…

Drink some Caffeine, your “Rush” occurs in about 45min…

Turn on the Microwave, and your Food is ready in about a minute…

Start Exercising, and You Feel Like It Takes Forever…

Well, not really Forever, but however long anything ordered online took for Delivery before Amazon…


My point is, there is a “Lag Time” for Everything.

There is a Start, (and often a “Finish”) which can be defined with clarity.

There is a Goal or Objective, that can be stated with Confidence…

But the amount of Time that it takes from Beginning or “Start” to “Feel It” is the great unknown…and People Hate the Unknown!


To avoid Frustration, Anger, and the Desire to Stop/Quit, there is a simple formula to follow:

Step 1: Open your Arms (and Heart) as wide as possible!

Step 2: Grab and Embrace “Lag Time”, holding it very close!

Step 3: Don’t let it Go until Feel the Effects of New or Improved, usually about 6-Weeks J


6-Weeks may seem like a long period of incubation, but for Habits, Structure, Diet, Exercise, etc., to really “Kick In”, there is always a “Lag Time” …


There is a great quote, most recently by John Berardi, that says:

“Most People Overestimate How Hard It Will be, and Underestimate How Long It Will Take” …

Lag Time is a Factor in that Equation, and you need to be prepared to Wait for Your Success (while at the same time Working your Tail Off for it) …

Before you think that Lag Time is a New Concept, think about the 1st time you heard “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait”.

A statement about Patience and Perseverance…

Or “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”, or even “Rome wasn’t built in a Day” …

These are all Centuries Old sayings that reflect Lag Time, and the Positive Effect of Patience.

When you Start Whatever it Is that will Transport you closer to your Goal, Opportunity or Outcome, Build In your Lag Time and make sure You Love every Minute of It!!!

The Moments of Work Lead to Months of Enhancement.

Think Patience, Think Lag Time, Think Success!