The Pulse

Certainty in an Uncertain World

Are You Watching TV?

Reading the Newspapers?

Checking Websites for Numbers, Polls, or Projected Outcomes?

We are Living in some of the most Uncertain Times in Generations.

Election Results, Who Knows?

Work from Home or Head to the Office, it’s not clear.

Remote Learning or In-Person? It Changes Daily.

Sports on TV? Its Day to Day.

Another COVID Wave coming again? We’ve been hearing that for 9 months.

With all of This, it’s the Unknown that frightens us…

What Happens Next?

Am I Happy?

Am I Safe?

Is Everything Out of My Control?

I Have One Incredibly Important Certainty for You, and it comes with an Opportunity or Warning, depending on How it’s Received:

You can Control Your Health.

From This Day Forward, You Can Take Control of Your Health and Wellness, and Change it for the Better!

Want Proof that Your Health is Important?

(I Shouldn’t Need to Give it to You, but Here it Is.)

The Obesity Rate in America is >40%

More than 4-in-10 Americans are Obese, with Statistics very comparable for Women and Men.

Obesity contributes to Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, many Types of Cancer, and poor Immune Function, in addition to impacting Multiple Quality of Life Factors and putting a Financial Strain on the Economy and the Individuals affected…

This was well documented before COVID.

Now, the CDC has cited Obesity as a Factor in COVID Severity, with Studies indicating Obesity Triples the Risk of Hospitalization and increases Mortality by upwards of 40%…

Those Numbers are staggering.


And Yesterday, they may have been out of Your Control.

But Not Today.

Today you Can Be Certain of One Thing: Your Health Can and Will Improve…   

You can start by Walking + Moving More, Making Better Food Choices and Going to Bed Earlier — All Things Within Your Control!

You Can Form a Plan to Get a Little Better Each Day, a Goal that the Unhealthiest of Us have in common with the Fittest people on Earth, Small Improvements Made Consistently…

It’s a Certainty. It’s Bankable. It’s What We Can Control.

Mother and Family Leader? Be the Example Your Family Needs.

Athlete looking to Play in College? Start and Continue to Train Like your Health and Improvement Depends On It, because it does!

Family Member who Works to Provide for Others? You May have less Flexibility, but you have Plenty of Opportunity! Health is Always the Most Important Thing in Your Life, whether You recognize it in this Moment or Not!

Your Health Matters, and it should Matter before everything else.

You Can’t Do Anything Well when You are Sick, Constantly Tired, or Dead (Reflected in Greater Numbers in 2020) …

You Can Control your Health.

Certainty in an Uncertain World.

The Best Part?

People Want to Help!

The Options are countless:

Ask a Professional for Help!

Seek Information about Food Quality, Diet, etc.

Go to a Facility/Gym where People Get Better. Do Your Research!

Grab a Neighbor and go for a Walk.

Put Down Your Phone and Go to Bed 30 minutes Earlier.

Talk to Someone about your Negative or Emotional Thoughts.

Take an Online Fitness Class. Do your Research!

Become a more Positive Person that Believes in Change!

Call our Gym and Discover What in Your Life is Ready to Change.

Put this Article Down and Move Around…

There are as many Statistics, Studies, and Articles available as there are Uncertainties, Unknowns, and Dangers in Your Life…

You can be both Overwhelmed and Educated and still Not Taking Action…

These are Difficult Times Indeed.

We Don’t Know What Tomorrow will Bring.

We Do Know What is Important.

We Know What All of Us Need.

We Have One Big Certainty that is the same for Everyone, regardless of Race, Money, Gender, Age, or Attitude.

We Have Our Health.

You Can Make It Better.

Start Now, and You Will Never Regret Being “Better” than Yesterday…