October 17, 2018
4 Things You Should Take from our Evening of Opportunity!
IPF’s “Evening of Opportunity” was an Amazing mix of Scientific Information and Life-Driven Enlightenment of How to “Get Your Shit Together”…
The Blend of Science, Human Trial and Error, and Empirical Evidence is what gives us the Best Opportunity to Understand History (our Own and Others) and Predict the Future…
There are Positives and Negatives with each: Life isn’t “Lived” in a Lab, Behavior can be specific to each Individual, and Changing Behavior is much more Difficult than most Understand… But the Positives allow us to Learn, Adjust, and move towards “Better”…
Here are 4 Terrific Takeaways from our October 2nd Event:
- 1. Your Attitude/Mind-Set is always the Central Driver of Change and Success.
The Phrase, “What You Believe, You Can Achieve”, actually works both ways. Your “Beliefs”, in What You Can, and Cannot Do, are almost always self-fulfilling prophecies. Negative Attitudes lead to more Negative Outcomes, and a Growth Mind-Set tends to produce a Positive Outcome.
A Growth Mind-Set believes Effort and Dedication to Improvement Influence your Success, not your Talent, Intelligence or Ability…
Our Successful Athletes and Adults have used a Growth Mind-Set for Success on many Levels of Sport and Life… An Attitude of Success is the 1st Step towards Improvement…
- 2. You “Write” your Own Story!
The events of your Life unfold with great uncertainty and volatility. We deal with Success, Failure, New Life, Death, and everything in-between along the Path of our Journey. These Events “Shape” us as People and How We View Ourselves and the World. Speaker Karen Kenney described in Detail how her Events have pushed her Forward not held her Back. She indicated, with keen insight, that How our Mind “Writes our Story” is how we Live our Life. Further, she offered that we “Meet” our Circumstances, with Love, Anger, Hate or Indifference, will have the greatest Impact on our Lives moving forward…
(Note: Karen Kenney’s Talk was Emotional, Powerful, Poignant, and Moving. She is a “Spiritual Mentor”, which is less a Religious Statement and more of a Description on How We Could and Should be Living our Lives. She is Amazing…
Visit @karenkenney.com to Learn How to Change “Your Story to Your Glory” and you will not be sorry you did!!!)
- 3. Change comes from Powerful Emotions, Events, or Destinations…
Change is Hard. Real, Impactful Change that leads You to a Better You… That may seem like Common Sense, but the Surprise for most is that the “Hard” part falls on the Human Side, not with the Action. Making a Choice or a Series of Choices, is where we struggle unless we derive Power and Strength from 1 of 3 Areas…
Emotion: A key driver to Change, based on the Affect it has on our Attitude. Emotion can be crippling, but it also can Push Us Further and Faster towards Improvement than anything else. If your “Love, Anger, Joy, or Unhappiness” is harnessed as a Tool for Growth, the Results can be Life-Changing…
A Message: the last request from a dying relative is a far-fetched example of a Message that “Sticks” with us long after the Words have been spoken.
In Reality, most “Messages” that propel change come when we Need, or are Ready to Hear them…
The Dr. says: “You Need to Quit Smoking/Lose Weight/Start Exercising”, etc.
Your Partner says: “Either Start/Stop this or I am out”
Your Friend(s) says: “You Need to Look in the Mirror and Make some Changes”
Your Kid(s) says: “Why aren’t you here more Daddy/Mommy?”
You Tell yourself” “I am Tired of Being/looking/Feeling Like This”
Sometimes it is even a Stranger, but something triggers and You Move Forward…
A Destination: You Want “Different”. A New Job, more Education, Money, a Partner, Fame, a Reputation, a World Record, Happiness, a Car, a Chance…
The Pull of Where you Want to Go is so Strong, that You Wake-Up Daily with that Goal as your Agent of Change…
You Can Hate Where You Are…
You Can Love Where you Going…
You Can Hear or Understand that it is Time for Action…
You Can Decide for yourself that You are Capable of More…
All are valid examples of Opportunity, or, with the Wrong Attitude, Reasons to stay exactly Where you Are…
As Always, Your Life, Your Choice…
- 4. Get Out and Learn, Share, Fail and Go Again:
“Learn by Doing” is a phrase that has been around forever, yet never “ages”. Living Life in your Living Room, Behind a Keyboard, Holding Your Phone, and Afraid to Fail may keep you “Safe”, but it doesn’t Let You Thrive…
Events like this at IPF, which bring people Together to Grow…
Our IPF Adult Group Training, which helps People flourish through a “Team” approach… Meeting a Friend at a Coffee Shop, to Share Conversation and Emotion…
Getting Out for a Walk, in Nature, with your Mind, Body and Soul free to “Breathe”…
These are examples of How People are “Living” to Improve…
There is rarely a “Wrong” Answer or Action to the Question, “What Should Your First Step Be?”
Go Take Yours Today!!!
Why is IPF Different? Because We Want To Be, and We Want You To be as Well…
Events like this, Conversations Ever Day, People Who Truly Care, and a Teaching-Based Curriculum Driven to Succeed by Going Through Your Brain (your “Wiring”) and to Get to Your Body, and Soul
Whether You Join Us Once, 1000x or become part of another Wonderful Group, Get Up, Get Out, and Start Moving Towards Where You Want To Be…