The Pulse

What are your “Non-Negotiables?”

We all live Lives of Compromise.

We understand that “Perfection” is an unrealistic Goal, that we can’t control every variable, and that Chaos is going to happen regardless of the Best Laid Plans…

Because of this Basic Understanding, that Life is a Flowing, Winding Journey that we Play a Part in but aren’t the Epicenter of, we recognize the Need to Accept + Compromise…

Exactly where that Compromise Occurs, is where Your Choice is Important…

“Real Life” is happening With or Without You.

“Your Life” (a Part of the Bigger Picture) are the Decisions You Are in Charge of relating to “Real Life” …

For Example, Real Life means the Earth is going to Rotate today, the Sun is going to Rise and Set, and a Day will occur…

Your Life gives you the Choices to do What you Want (and Have) to do with the Day (Opportunity)…

So we Compromise. We make certain choices knowing they may not be “Ideal”, but they make your Life run smoother, and allow you to get things done.

Call it being “Adaptable”, call it accepting a Lower Standard in some Areas so that Others may Flourish, or call it making concessions to adjust to that which you do not control (Real Life)…


Let’s be Clear: we are not suggesting that this is a Negative Reflection of you, quite the Contrary! Those who Navigate the Twists and Turns with a Fluidity of Adjustment are those that Shine Brightest…


Regardless of the Event, Topic or Situation, Adjusting on the Fly/Conceding in one Area to Succeed in Another, are Skills most Envy and yearn to acquire!

Solutions Win, and those come with tougher Choices about what is Important…


That Leads Us here, so let’s get to the Heart of Who you Are (Right Now-you can Change whenever you want!), and How You Think + Value certain Aspects of Your Life…


What are your “Non-Negotiables?”

What are the Things you simply Cannot Compromise On because they have a Direct Impact on You, Everyone around You, and Your Success…?

We make concessions everyday so that we can “Survive” or Thrive as best we can, and here are common examples:

Friends are talking Politics and we smile, see some valid points, and have an open mind. We avoid getting upset when the Reciprocation doesn’t exist.

You concede the anger and disappointment knowing that it wouldn’t take you anywhere positive, and save your Friendship from harm…


Everyone is having a Drink after work. You stop-by to show your face and enjoy an out-of-work moment with your peers. You understand the concept of “Go along to Get Along”, and head home early knowing that the 90min you spent would be more enjoyable, and beneficial (most nights), with your Family. You concede a part of one evening to ensure future success…


The Family is together for the Holidays, and it’s time to Over-Eat. Your Parents love to feed you, Meals last for Hours, and Excess is King.

Your Health, and recent Physical Improvement, has been noticed and complimented, but when your Aunt/Mother/Brother-in-Law asks you if you want a piece of the Apple Pie, everyone turns their head to comment and “encourage” your participation in Dessert.

You compromise and enjoy a slice. Your Family is excited, one piece won’t break the bank, and you have always enjoyed your Dad’s Pie with Ice Cream. Crisis averted and you move on…


What is the “Other Side” to these Situations?

What is Your Hard “No?”

What are the very few Principles that you will cling to above all else?

Note: we say “Few” because having ~10+ generally means your Stubborn, Selfish, or Living a very Spartan Life>all of which can be extremely beneficial, but also highly taxing unless in small “doses” (Periods of Time, or Specific Principles that “Rotate” depending on What is Important” for a certain Outcome)


Think in Terms of 3 Categories, while acknowledging that everything “Overlaps” and we Benefit, or Struggle, as a result of our Priorities…


Health:           My Example= I don’t Compromise on Sleep “Average” on a Weekly Basis. I need to Average >7.5hrs a Night, as my Weekly Average, as a Rule for my own Personal Benefit. “energy” is Everything, as a Father, Coach, Partner, etc., and I want to have a Strong Supply!


Professional:   My Example=I always have “Dinner before Dessert”.

Meaning, I Attack what I Need to Do before What I Want to Do.

We all like to skip to the Good Parts of Life, but there are plenty of “Need To’s” that provide us the Opportunity of “Happy”. By working on What Needs to be Done, I can stay Effective + Focused on What is Important.


Personal:        I put “Personal” as the last “Choice” with Intention, as many of us tend to make Ourselves the Priority of our Lives. Instead, and abiding by my 2nd “Non-Negotiable”, I put what I Need before what I want (as often as I can) …

My Example= I Value Now above “Later”, “Tomorrow”, or “Then”.

I have battled Procrastination/Overload for much of My Adult Life. I am fortunate to have many terrific Opportunities in front of me, and for that I am Grateful. What doesn’t Help Me, however, is Thinking about “What Could/Will Be” when I am Living My Life Right Now.

I Put My Phone Down more than I ever Have (Thank You Mac)

I Value Time more than I ever have (Thank You Keady + IPF)

I Believe in “Other People” more than I ever have (Thank You Jamie, Paige and the IPF Community)

I Think “Right Now” is more Valuable than x10 “Tomorrows” (Thank You Personal History)


What are Your “Non-Negotiables”?

Do You even Know, or are you just going through the motions?

Your Beliefs will Change with Information + Experience, but Who Are You Right Now > Your Actions Always Tell Your Story!!!